
These Hitchcock/Life is Beautiful pieces are by an artist who is calling himself Mr. Brainwash. His work has been appearing all over Manhattan lately, and it is vaguely Banksian, but very good and has a distinctive quality all it's own. I've got a little cache of his work building up that I'll be posting over the next couple of weeks, but he seems to be an artist to watch. As is par for the course with this kind of artist, his website is vague and doesn't give any specifics on who he is (which is how it has to be: art is a crime), but he seems to be the artist responsible for the pastes of Obama as Superman that have appeared all over New York. I have posted a couple photos of these on here in the past. Many of his stencils are very ambitious. I took this photo the night that the world was blessed with a new American president, but just tonight I saw a series of these on Houston that were at least fifteen feet tall. Very beautiful, very ambitious.

He is also the artist who did the Joker-esque portrait in the post prior to this one. (there are a whole series of these pseudo- Warhol Marilyn Monroe meets the Joker portraits of various pop culture figures in America)

Very good work, check back for more work from Mr. Brainwash.

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